Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The moment he walked into the courtyard of the pool with the other dancers, all eyes were on him. But this little man had eyes for something else: "Agua, agua, Mama! Agua!"

Sunday, June 19, 2005

View From the Oven (my newest nephew)

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Safest way to travel...

Friday, June 10, 2005

Is anything nicer than a sweet pair of boots that fit perfectly?

A picture I took in Westcliffe (southwest Colorado) last summer.

In we go!

The sun is newly up, but there is still a moist chill in the thick and delicious air. I have stepped lightly down the bank, unfolded and inflated my little raft in the weeds and mud along the shore, plopped it on the water at the edge, and gingerly stepped in. A little shifting of the weight, a securing of loose items, a dig of the paddle deeply into water, and a strong pull, making authoritative and opposing little eddies on either side of my paddle--out we go into the vast and mysterious lake of Blogdom. Can't wait to see what there is to see!